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#316358 - Michelle is older than Sarah at 27 and about 5ft 8. Before I tell you what happened next let me describe how Sarah looks, she is about 5ft 6 with shoulder length brown hair. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, my cock was still rock hard and I started wanking, another load shot from my knob and hit Michelle right in the face, it shocked her and made her laugh but, licked it up like a pro.

Read Bisex Melt cockvore(+spermvore)manga - Original Sissy Melt cockvore(+spermvore)manga

Most commented on Bisex Melt cockvore(+spermvore)manga - Original Sissy

Look at my awesome blowjob and deep throat and how cum flows out of my mouth
Aki kino
Dominic sorel
Good girl