Doujinshi | Futanari Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#271717 - The Master stopped the car, getting out, dragged it out of the passenger seat, pulling it deeper into a deserted, badly-lit area that could have been a yard behind a deserted warehouse, or an alley way, how the fuck would a dog know? Its head seemed detached and its mind utterly dissipated. No, he wasn’t comfortable but even thinking of his own comfort constituted a violation of sorts, a violation against Master Tark’s will and whim, a subtle challenge against the Master’s wishes. Master Tark patted its head, and then went about his business with some paper work on the table by the window.

Read Masturbacion Yasaka-san no Oppai - Highschool dxd Star Yasaka-san no Oppai

Most commented on Masturbacion Yasaka-san no Oppai - Highschool dxd Star

Anyone else just watching the background to see if somebody was watching
Artoria caster
Bruh this was ruined by the poor grammar