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#308876 - On the way a lot of people were gasping and waving at me. ” He droned on and I got lost in all of the big words when he was finally done I said, “Could you please put it more simple?” “of course my apologizes, in a simple way, females will be attracted to you more now…way more, we have hired male police officers to protect you, and only male staff are allowed in, several nurses and doctors, all females, have attempted to try something. ” I smiled and wondered what car they got me, when I walked out side I nearly fainted they bought the brand new dodge charger, then I opened the hood to see it had the V8 engine installed, then I thought for second and shut the hood, I took out my phone and called Raven, “hey, do you want to go to a party with me and a few friends?” there was silence for a second then a worried voice said, “aren’t you suppose to be in the hospital, “I smiled to myself and replied in a cheery voice, “nope they let me leave cause I was such a good patient.

Read Old Young GEIJUTSU - Gate - jieitai kano chi nite kaku tatakaeri Orgy GEIJUTSU

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Misha takanashi
Just as hung
Very delicious omg 3
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