Doujinshi | Futanari Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#304700 - Of all the loves I have known, None have the kindness you have shown, None have the charms that you possess, None can match your soft caress, None can match the joy you bring, None can cause my heart to sing. Of all the loves who have come my way, None can match the passion you display, None can speak the words that always sound right, None can match the feeling when you hold me tight, None can match your special charms, When you hold me tight in your arms.

Read Deep Throat Mujaki na Kaibutsu - Original Danish Mujaki na Kaibutsu

Most commented on Deep Throat Mujaki na Kaibutsu - Original Danish

Damn sexy
Yoshimoto imagawa
Nice story
He takes you very well ass super hot