#294554 - Shakily Brian stood and then reaching for his moms hand helped her to her feet, they were both solidly coated in his spunk and kissing and holding each other they slipped into the cool refreshing water to clean the sticky mess off Brian his mom said yes mom You know you can never say anything dont you 'Off course I do mom, but mom do you think we could do this again' Stacy pulled her son to her and whispered in his ear oh yes baby, I think we can do this lots more. Mom Im so sorry im so ashamed, its just that i cant help it, i get this feeling, all the time, and seeing you like that I just couldnt stop myself Brian its ok , I know about boys and I know that sometimes these things happen, but I'm your mom hun, you shouldnt have those feelings for me Brian knew it was now or never and he suddenly let it all out, all his worries about masturbating, how much he seemed to do it and how most of his fantasys involved his own mom.
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