Genshiken (41)
Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai (41)
Gotoubun no hanayome (41)
Final fantasy xiv (40)
Dragon quest viii (40)
Battle athletes (40)
Sengoku basara (40)
Goblin slayer (40)
Ssss.gridman (39)
Eureka 7 (39)
Tales of vesperia (39)
Baka to test to shoukanjuu (38)
Hypnosis mic (38)
Metroid (38)
Hentai ouji to warawanai neko (38)
Zettai karen children (38)
Lotte no omocha (38)
Ojamajo doremi | magical doremi (38)
Flower knight girl (38)
Summon night (38)
Tekken (38)
Maria-sama ga miteru (38)
Jujutsu kaisen (37)
Daiya no ace (37)
Zombie land saga (37)
Gundam zz (37)
Summer wars (37)
Darling in the franxx (36)
Splatoon (36)
Is (36)
Final fantasy tactics (36)
Sora no otoshimono (36)
Kizuato (36)
Mob psycho 100 (36)
Highschool of the dead (36)
Ace attorney (36)
Mobile suit gundam (36)
Alice in wonderland (36)
Battle spirits (36)
Harry potter (35)
Fushigi no umi no nadia (35)
Ghost sweeper mikami (35)
Gundam wing (35)
Kimi no na wa. (35)
Megaman (35)
Highschool dxd (35)
Uta no prince-sama (35)
Comic party (35)
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka | is the order a rabbit (34)
Sekirei (34)
Gaogaigar (34)
Akazukin cha cha (34)
Shakugan no shana (34)
Dragons crown (34)
Beatmania (33)
Chousoku henkei gyrozetter (33)
Creamy mami (33)
Digimon (33)
Koihime musou (33)
World trigger (33)
Rurouni kenshin (33)
Bayonetta (33)
Shingeki no kyojin | attack on titan (33)
Boruto (33)
Fatal fury (33)
Accel world (33)
Onegai my melody (33)
Fire emblem awakening (33)
Alice gear aegis (32)
Hikaru no go (32)
Sentimental graffiti (32)
Air (32)
Black butler (32)
Sayonara zetsubou sensei (31)
Tales of xillia (31)
Mai-hime (31)
Mai-otome (31)
Darker than black (31)
Muv-luv (30)
Ikkitousen (30)
Rival schools (30)
Kimagure orange road (30)
Hibike euphonium (30)
Ryuuou no oshigoto (30)
The world god only knows (30)
Hoozuki no reitetsu (30)
Promare (30)
Nanatsu no taizai (30)
Shirobako (29)
Koutetsujou no kabaneri (29)
Overlord (29)
Zettai junpaku mahou shoujo (29)
Arcana heart (29)
Big hero 6 (29)
Mahouka koukou no rettousei (29)
Ichigo mashimaro (29)
Final fantasy x (29)
Turn a gundam (29)
Angel beats (29)
K (29)
Oshiete galko-chan (28)
Final fantasy xii (28)
Cutey honey (28)
Kochikame (28)
Inu x boku ss (28)
Fire emblem (28)
Qualidea code (28)
Jojos bizarre adventure | jojo no kimyou na bouken (28)
Ano natsu de matteru (28)
Saint seiya (28)
Uchuu no stellvia (28)
Mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha | magical girl lyrical nanoha (28)
Onegai twins (27)
Bomber girl (27)
Tantei opera milky holmes (27)
Getsuyoubi no tawawa (27)
Valkyria chronicles (27)
Angelic layer (27)
Yuru camp (27)
Xenogears (27)