Sex Pussy Hatsujou Yuugumo Onee-chan - Kantai collection Dick Suckers
(砲雷撃戦!よーい!四十六戦目) [にゃもにゃも (ちーふ)] 発情夕雲お姉ちゃん (艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-)
#312001 - The four of us cruised back into the party and the girls were gettin loose, dirty dancing all over each other for all the boys to watch it was fuckin sexy, Rick and I cruised inside to the lounge room and sat down on a couch the girls followed us inside and were dancing around in front of us before Kelly jumped on Ricks lap throwing her arms around him, I jumped up and grabbed Maddy by the hand leading her into get more drinks, when we come back out to the lounge room Rick and Kelly were into it on the lounge, Rick was on top of her with his hand up her skirt finger inner puss, as they kissed furiously her skirt pulled up to her waist as she moaned slightly while he tickled her cunt. Maddy was wearing these short dress pants with a loose flimsy top that kept showing off her sexy little pink lingerie and Kelly was wearing a short white dress with heels and cause she was a little taller her legs looked fuckin mad.